Habituate part 2 : Pain Management
Pain is a tricky thing to live with. I attended a three month course on pain management. I got a certificate at the end of it too. It was an acknowledgment that I could cope and have all the information I need. I was now able to adjust to my pain and disability. In this blog post I will explain things I’ve learned that helped me. I hope you, too, can find something that gives you relief from your pain. You may hear others use the phrase “You don’t look sick.” Fear not. Other people’s ignorance is not yours. Read on and hopefully you may be able to apply them to your life and make positive changes that will help being in pain more bearable.
Spoon Theory
‘Spoonies’ are people who suffer from chronic pain and use the spoon theory to apply to their way of life. This term for pain was created by Christine Miserandino. The theory is the best way to explain to others how pain effects you. I saw spoonie on people’s social media and it confused me what it meant. Now I use it! Imagine you have ten spoons. For every task you do, from taking a shower to drying your hair, you lose spoons. Taking a shower may take up most of your energy so you lose three spoons. Drying your hair you may lose two spoons.
It’s important not be around people who exacerbate the pain. If you are anxious or tense - it makes pain worse. There are feeders and drainers of pain. Feeders are the people who make it better because you feel good being around them and you get positivity that brings endorphins. Drainers are people who like to put others down and be really negative. They are unpredictable. They make pain worse and drain your energy. Think of your body like a car - you wouldn’t run it on an empty fuel tank. You would refuel it. It’s the same as your body by the energy you choose to have around you.
People who use the spoon theory have:
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Drainers of energy
Lack of sleep
Increased pain levels
People who are negative
Cold weather
Depression or anxiety
Drama Queens
Feeders of energy
Sleeping wellRelaxationCalm homeSelected people who brighten your dayHappinessPositivityRelaxing surroundings
Coping with pain
Pain levels can be tamed by pain medication. The pain management clinic taught me to try various things to see what helped. Pain products are individual to every person- what may work for one, may not work for the other. So it’s important you try things until you know what gives you comfort and calms the pain. In my pain management course, they had a pharmacist, physio and nurse. I was monitored throughout the pain management course of how my body could move. Speak to your doctor and pharmacist what they advise. The pain management course listed various things to help with pain:
▪️Ibuprofen gel
▪️Ibuprofen (for pain in body)
▪️Paracetamol (for headaches)
▪️Gentle exercise to keep the body moving.
▪️Tens machine
▪️microwave Heat packs
▪️Ice / Cold packs
▪️4Head stick to relieve headaches
▪️Vibration plate
My pain is managed by amitriptyline and ibuprofen gel directly to my spine when the Pain is very bad. My pain usually gets worse in winter. The amitriptyline was monitored by the pharmacist over the course of time to help me sleep. It’s amazing. A good nights sleep helps me so much. I can’t live without microwaveable heat packs.
The old wives tale “It’s going to rain, I can feel it in my bones” is actually true! I was stunned at this. However, I now joke with my husband that it is going to rain or be a cold if my bones are sore. The body picks up the change of temperature in the atmosphere. The drop in temperature can cause the pain to get worse. I’m always worse in winter than I am in summer. Although I can’t sit in the sun for a long time as I get uncomfortable. However bad your pain may be it is imperative to keep moving as much as you can so your body doesn't seize up.
I get migraines as the pain goes up my spine and around my head and it gives me cluster migraines. This was the first time I had this in 2020 and my left eye was not focusing and spasming. I had to wear a patch as the DRs couldn’t see me. Julia told me I looked like I was blind. After days of suffering my Dr saw me. He did tests. My Dr told me it was like a Halo going around my head creating cluster migraines. I use this Face roller and it’s made such a difference. It’s is great for relaxing the face which helps the headaches. I put this in a beauty fridge Julia bought me and it’s so incredibly lovely to relax the face. These two things help my headaches and migraines massively. I haven’t had it happen since!
StylPro Fridge from Argos gifted by Julia.
Daily Concepts Opal Face Roller from Next £45.00. Made from genuine opal so it's hygienic and easy to clean.
Mental changes
When you are in a great deal of pain, it’s natural to get depressed. You are feeling trapped in a cycle pain, unable to live life the way you want -which leads to frustration. This can lead to depression. It’s a constant battle between mind and body. I recommend getting a notebook and just for a few weeks or longer if possible. Write down what you do each day. Even the food you eat, to see if it makes pain better or worse. At the end of the day write how you feel. It’s also great to write down how you feel and get your frustration out. Also writing about good things that made your day happy. I did this, and there was a pattern of lower pain levels when being happy and meeting with good people. When I was around bad people, it drained my energy and it made my pain worse. It’s not until you write it down and catalogue your day, you can see if anything makes it better for worse.
Going out a walk is amazing. I love nature and walk on country paths with my crutches. I love nature and the fresh air. The benefits of walking include a clear head, better health and better sleep!
Pain means I can’t always concentrate on things. I loved reading all my life. My dream is to have a study full of books. I have five books I bought last year and I haven’t managed to read two pages! I don’t feel too bad about it as I know there will be a time that I will have time to make reading my main focus. High pain levels can make you distracted easily and forget what you were going to do. I write lists on my mobile of what I need to do for the day. This will help you keep focused.
Food and supplements
What we eat can effect pain too. If I have too much sugar- my body hates it! This is annoying as I have a sweet tooth. I used to cook a sweet potato curry when I found out that sweet potato helped pain. Sadly I also discovered my IBS couldn’t digest it properly, so it gave me the worst stomach cramps. If you are lucky enough to be able to eat sweet potato, here is the recipe I used:
Sweet potato curry recipe - BBC Food Sweet Potato Curry
Feeling tired all the time, I felt run down a lot. Having little energy to do much. I tried Berocca Boost and this is incredible! It also gives me extra vitamins. This is an amazing boost to my day because it genuinely works for me. I’ve told other spoonies to try it, and they noticed a difference to their day too.
Sugar Inflames the Joints
I discovered a lady called Lori Shemek. Lori appeared on Men's Radio Station /Women's Radio Station and YouTube talking about inflammation. This fascinated me as I am a sugar addict. I had no idea how bad sugar was for me. I spoke to Lori afterwards about my disability and pain issues. I asked her more about it and she told me about her book 'How To Fight FATflammation!' and it's changed my life. Lori explains how the body works and speaks from experience as she watched her overweight mother struggle with health issues. I highly recommend this book to everyone. It has changed the way I use chocolate and cake as comfort eating. Also, I found having the book in paper form means I can refer to it continuously. My brain forgets things easily.
Fatflammation by Lori Shemek on Amazon Fatflammation Book Amazon
Easy Green Shakes
I always used to think drinking green shakes looked awful. However I was determined to improve my health and lower my pain levels. I overthought the whole getting healthier thing. I found a blender on Amazon that came with two sizes of different bottles. It was affordable and so easy to use! I currently use spinach leaves and kale with coconut water. The blender attached to the bottle you want with the ingredients you want to blend. Attach to the blender. press the button to blend. It tastes delicious. It takes a couple of minutes to make. I found once the body has this, it doesn't crave junk food. This is soothing on the stomach. Don't put too much green in at first, as the tummy may not be able digest it. I had tummy cramps (Thanks to my IBS) So you can build up how much you put in. Healthy shake recipes are online.Tesco Kale & Spinach leaves. A cheap and tasty breakfast / lunch.
Create your own space in your home to relax. Shut the world out. I call it my Zen Zone. Having a peaceful room means everything.
I have made my bedroom my ‘zen zone.’ I burn candles or wax melts. This makes me instantly relax. These scents last a long time and make me instantly happy. I asked for them at my birthday. I get months of relaxation from them. Julia bought me a soft pink fleece V pillow. It’s so comfortable for my back when I’m laying out, to read a book or listen to music. Creating a room in your house that is comfortable is important. It helps with pain management. Also great if you want to recharge for an hour. I have made playlists up on Spotify to listen to. Relaxing music that makes me happy. Think what makes you relax. I like my senses feeling relaxed with scent and sound. Soft blanket and cushions are nice too. Choose your favourite colours and create your own zen zone. B&M and The Range have a lovely selection if you are on a budget.
Available from Asda 3 for £5.00
If you use crutches, you may get pain in your hands when using them. I got dry skin and I found OARSOME covers for my mine. Oarsome appeared on Dragons Den and I have used them for many years. I have had years of using crutches comfortably, thanks to using these. The rubber handles are soft and easy to wipe so are hygienic.
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